
Ordinary 2024 - May 2024
Easter 2024 - March 2024
Lent 2024 - February 2024
A time of preparing for the cross. What does it mean to be in the desert? What did we do in response to Jesus' teaching? Why did he die for us?
Epiphany 2024 - December 2023
Advent 2023 - December 2023
Ordinary Time 2023 - June 2023
A time where we walk through the life and teachings of Jesus and grow in our faith.
Eastertide 2023 - April 2023
A seven-week journey learning about the meaning of the cross.
Lent 2023 - February 2023
A time of preparing for the cross. What does it mean to be in the desert? What did we do in response to Jesus' teaching? Why did he die for us?
Epiphany 2023 - January 2023
Advent 2022 - November 2022
Advent is the season when we prepare ourselves to receive God’s gift of Jesus. It is a time of “getting ready” for the celebration of Christmas. The mood of Advent is that of longing, expectation, and waiting. Advent is a time when we yearn for Jesus to come back to completely remake all things as the returning King.
  • 2022-11-27 Hope Ozzy Madlala
  • 2022-12-11 The Gateway Mark Wiemers
  • 2022-12-18 Joy Mark Wiemers
One month to live 2022 - August 2022
Exploring what it means to be alive. What are the most important things in our lives? Who are the most important people in our lives?
Ordinary Time 2022 - June 2022
The season from Pentecost to Advent where we consider the teachings and life of Christ.
Easter 2022 - April 2022
In this season we reflect on what it means to live as disciples of the risen Lord. We learn of the upsidedown way of the cross, that the first will be last and the last will be first.
Lent 2022 - March 2022
Lent is a time of preparing for the cross. We look at themes of life from death, temptation, repentance and grace.
Epiphany 2022 - January 2022
During the season of Epiphany, we seek to open our eyes to Christ in the world. The stories that we read in scripture are about the revealing of Christ to the world, as a baby and during the transfiguration.
Advent 2021 - November 2021
As we journey toward Christmas we explore peace, hope, joy and love and how they are a part of the new life that Christ brings into the world.
Coming home - June 2021
During ordinary time in 2021, as we re-emerge from the pandemic, we are exploring the themes of returning from exile, reconnecting with God and people and re-establishing spiritual rhythms and practices in this new season.
New life - April 2021
The season of Easter in 2021
Wilderness Journey - February 2021
Our 2021 Lent series follows Jesus into the wilderness for 40 days, drawing on insights from Beth Richardson's book Walking in the Wilderness
New eyes - fresh perspective in the season of Epiphany - January 2021
The season of Epiphany begins on or near to 6 January when we remember the way that God invited even foreign astrologers to witness the birth of Christ. For those with eyes wide open, there is much to see, even in the midst of a global pandemic.
God with us - Advent 2020 - November 2020
The four weeks of advent start the new liturgical year as we turn to Year B and focus on the gospel of Mark
A new season - June 2020
Ordinary time in 2020 takes on a special significance as we adjust to these extraordinary times under lockdown. How will we thrive in the new normal?
Together behind locked doors - April 2020
During this lockdown Easter season in 2020 we can relate to the disciples hiding behind locked doors. The risen Christ comes to stand among us at this time.
Choose life - March 2020
Our Lenten series in 2020 follows the readings in Year A of the Revised Common Lectionary.
Covenant - choosing the narrow way - February 2020
Beginning with our covenant service, this series explores passages from the Sermon on the Mount which remind us of what the commitment to walk the narrow way implies.
See! I am doing a new thing - January 2020
Our series for the first month of 2020, during the season of Epiphany
Welcoming the King - December 2019
Our advent series for 2019 uses the gospels of Matthew and John to help us prepare to welcome the King
Ordinary time - a long perseverance in the same direction - June 2019
We are between seasons now - the period called ordinary time after Easter and before Lent. Our journey through Luke's gospel continues
Risen - April 2019
The season of Easter - Year C
Lent 2019 - March 2019
We journey to the cross in the company of St Luke and St John, and see the lengths to which God would go to deal with sin and call us home again
Dust - on the road with Jesus - February 2019
This series continues our journey through Luke as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus, listening to his teaching and watching his actions. The words of the old Jewish blessing 'may you be covered in the dust of your rabbi' encourage us to stay close to him.
Revealed - January 2019
A four week series during the season of Epiphany, inviting us to open our eyes and see the God who is revealed to us
Prepare the way - December 2018
Our Luke advent series invites us to not only look back to the first coming of Christ, but to be conscious of the God who is among us now and who will return in glory.
Resurrection people - April 2018
We stay with the lectionary readings during this season of Easter which takes us through the weeks following the resurrection of Jesus and leads up to the Ascension and Pentecost
Covenant - the faithfulness of God - February 2018
This Lenten series follows the lectionary readings, picking up on the covenants described in the Old Testament, which point to the New Covenant mediated by Jesus on Calvary.
Now my eyes have seen you - January 2018
A lectionary series taking us through the season of Epiphany, inviting us to see God clearly and respond faithfully
UMC Sermons 2018 - January 2018
Sermons preached by a guest preacher or which for some reason do not form part of a specific preaching series.
Pauses for Advent - December 2017
Using Trevor Hudson's little book as a guide for our journey through Advent, we are invited to pause each day in reflection for a few minutes. The four Sundays in advent focus on four characters in the Christmas story.
Dear Church - October 2017
A five week series covering letters written to the churches in Corinth, Galatia, Colossae, Philippi and John's letters to the church. Each sermon gives a survey of the context and key issues prompting the letter and then asks what it says to us today.
John who? - rediscovering the treasures of our Wesleyan heritage - July 2017
A four week series which looks at the story of the Wesley's, the contribution of the Wesleyan movement to the Church, and what it means to be a Methodist today.
Better together - June 2017
We were designed for relationship and community. This five week series explores the joys and challenges of being authentically together
Let it go - April 2017
A four week series covering forgiveness, simplicity, gratitude and identity - in each case looking at something that we need to let go of, and something to take on
Saviour of the world - Lent 2017 - March 2017
In our Lenten series this year the lectionary readings focus on the saving work of Christ who came to give himself for the world he so loved
Abraham - friend of God - February 2017
A three week series exploring key moments in the life of this great patriarch of Israel, the man described in Scripture as 'a friend of God'
Deeper - beyond surface living - January 2017
We begin the year with a series that invites us to explore the depths - to move beyond worship as empty ritual, relationship as superficial small talk, discipleship as legalism and mission as charity.
UMC Sermons 2017 - January 2017
Sermons preached by a guest preacher or which for some reason do not form part of a specific preaching series.
The face of God - revealed in Jesus - November 2016
During this advent season we are reminded that Jesus shows us the face of God. Over the weeks leading up to Christmas day we will be thinking about what Jesus reveals about the character of God.
Surprised by joy - life lessons from Philippi - October 2016
Paul's letter to the Philippians is written from a jail cell and yet its defining quality is joy. In this series we take a chapter of this letter each week as we explore the theme of joy, concluding with our annual thanksgiving service at the end of October.
Missio Dei - the Spirit and the Church in Acts - September 2016
God is a missionary God and mission is God's idea. This 4 week series explores the Spirit-empowered mission of the early church in Acts
Your work matters - finding meaning and purpose from Monday to Friday - July 2016
A four week series looking at a biblical perspective on work - whether it be paid employment, or within our families or the wider community.
Ordinary saints - living the sermon on the mount - June 2016
A five week series working through Jesus' most famous teachings and exploring their implications for his disciples
One hit wonders - May 2016
A three week series covering the single-chapter books of Obadiah, Philemon and Jude.
Inside out - God at work in our feelings - April 2016
Using the children's movie Inside Out as a central analogy, this four week series considers our emotions - joy, anger, sadness, fear and the way that God works redemptively through them.
Holy week 2016 - March 2016
2016 holy week and Easter weekend services
Catechumenate - February 2016
In the early history of the church, new believers were baptised on Easter Sunday. They had been through a lengthy process of preparation and formation as catachumens (those receiving instruction). This Lent we will journey to the cross as a catechumenate - a body of catechumens. As we approach the cross, we will remember our own baptism - that we were baptised with Christ in his death and raised with him into new life.
Why Jesus? - January 2016
In a world crowded with self-help books and spiritual philosophies, why follow Jesus? Why choose to be his disciple - what difference does He make?
UMC Sermons 2016 - January 2016
Sermons preached by a guest preacher or which for some reason do not form part of a specific preaching series.
Advent 2015 - November 2015
Preparing for the coming of Christ in the four Sundays leading up to Christmas Day, based on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary.
Bedtime stories - life lessons from Sunday School - November 2015
A four week series that revisits some of the very familiar stories we heard first in Sunday School, and explores what they have to say to us today
Simplify - uncluttering the soul - September 2015
In a society besotted with accumulation, convenience and comfort, we need to hear again the invitation to live simply.
Creation matters - September 2015
The first commission given to people was to care for God's good creation. In many ways we have failed in this task and the church needs to take a lead in the area of environmental justice.
Series: Reading Romans with Wesley 2015 - July 2015
A five week series working through the first 11 chapters of Romans - exploring some of its major theological themes in the company of John Wesley
Series: Renovation of the Heart 2015 - June 2015
Based on the book by Dallas Willard, this four week series explores the way in which God transforms the human heart
Series; World-Changers 2015 - May 2015
A four week series following the stories of two men and two women from the Bible - ordinary people who went against the flow and changed their world.
Series: Surprised By Hope 2015 - April 2015
Based on Bishop Tom Wright's book, this four week series invites us to rethink our understanding of heaven, resurrection and the mission of the church
Lent 2015 - February 2015
The period from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday during which we follow the Revised Common Lectionary readings, this year around the unifying theme of 'giving it up for Lent'.
Series: The Good Life 2015 - January 2015
What is the good life? What does it mean to live well, to live with meaning, and to live in such a way that our lives have eternal significance. We explore these questions in a four week series which ends with our annual covenant service.
Ordinary 2015 - January 2015
Sermons preached by a guest preacher or which for some reason do not form part of a specific preaching series.
Advent 2014 - November 2014
We are following the readings set by the Revised Common Lectionary in the four Sundays leading up to Christmas as we prepare for the coming King.
Series: Seven Deadly Sins 2014 - August 2014
Since the sixth century the church has provided teaching on the seven deadly sins that separate us from God and have the potential to destroy us. In this series we examine them as well as the corresponding virtues that lead us into life.
Ordinary 2014 - January 2014
Sermons preached by a guest preacher or which for some reason do not form part of a specific preaching series.