Khanyisa mission project

In a very unsettling passage of Scripture, Jesus separates the sheep from the goats on the basis of the way in which they respond to poor and vulnerable people (Matthew 25:31-46). We all want to make a difference and to help where we can, but where to start? Often the well-meaning response of the church is charity - collecting money or goods to help the needy. Sincere as this may be, it can also compound the problem - creating harmful dependence and powerlessness in those it aims to help. While there will always be a place for relief work among the vulnerable (especially the very young and the very old) we believe that we should also tackle the challenging task of empowering people to stand on their own ("teach a man to fish..."). Khanyisa (meaning to bring light) aims to equip and empower through creating jobs, mentoring and developing skills in partnership with local communities. Some of the existing Khanyisa projects include:

  • training of pre-school teachers so that little children get the best possible education as early as possible
  • small business and entrepreneurship training - we're partnering with a couple of aspiring entrepeneurs with big dreams!
  • literacy classes to give dignity and access to opportunity to adult learners
  • life-skills coaching and mentoring for children in child-headed homes in partnership with MPower

You can contact Nonny Mpuku through the church office to get on board with something which we believe is going to give hope and dignity to many in our local community. Come and dream with us!

Khanyisa bank account

MCSA Khanyisa First National Bank, Ballito branch (250102) Account number: 62370718929